Friday 9 December 2011

Audience research (spoken)

This is research from my questionnaires, it is spoken by 3 out of the 20 people who took the questionnaire for my music magazine.

Friday 2 December 2011

The article write up for my double page spread!

This is the write up of my article for my double page spread! the finished double page spread will be layed out differently and will not be a block of text!

On Saturday the 22nd of October 2011, Brit award winning artist Jessie J graced the Mountford hall stage as part of her Heartbeat tour 2011. Jessie J is the newest and by far the freshest thing to come out of the UK, it’s only been a year since her debut single ‘Do it like a dude’ and she’s going from strength to strength. There is absolutely no stopping this 23 year old Londoner. There was speculation she may have be forced to pull out of her UK tour after previously suffering a broken foot while performing. Jessie was forced to have surgery which meant she would need to go through rehabilitation to get her back to performance ways.  However like the true performer she is she didn’t let her foot get in the way of making her ‘heartbeats’ happy. (Heartbeats are what Jessie calls her fans). It was the first time Jessie J had performed in Liverpool and she made it one to remember.                                                                           She performed all the songs from her number 1 album ‘Who you are’ including the number 1 smash ‘Price tag’ which featured American rapper BOB.       Moments before Jessie was due to come onstage, the audience were full of excitement and adrenaline. They were cheering her name and singing parts of her songs. As the lights darkened the screams filled the room. The first song was ‘Big white room’; this was one of Jessie’s more emotional songs. It had the audience singing every word and drawn in from the very start. After the song had ended Jessie was silent but the screams never stopped.                                                                                                  Jessie has always said she prefers the audience to sing Price tag and she did just that. She handpicked 2 lucky girls from the audience and brought them up on stage to perform with her. Halfway through the performance she brought another special guest on with her. It was none other than British rapper Devlin who was one of her amazing support acts that opened the show. The Essex boy, 22, featured as part of his and Jessie’s official remix, in place of BOB. Jessie was back and forth with the audience, taking turns in singing. Throughout the whole song the audience were in full voice to a point were even Jessie couldn’t hear herself. During her performance of ‘mamma knows best’ she admitted this when she was forced to stop, tell the audience ‘I can just hear you, I can’t hear the band, you’re so loud.’ She soon got back in the groove strutting her way across the stage, which one fan Michaela Price said was ‘quite small but the way she used the stage was good’ at one point Jessie lay down on a platform and belted out the biggest part of the song.                                                               Jessie was not afraid to show off her scouse accent to the fans. Throughout the gig she changed from her hometown accent to Liverpool slang. During the performance of her brand new single ‘Domino’ she asked the Liverpool crowd ‘Liverpool, are you ready to f***kin dance?’ this was probably her best attempt which was backed by the people of Liverpool by their almighty screams.                                                                                                     Jessie is all for looking after her fans; she made sure everybody was hydrated by giving the security cups of water to pass around the audience. She did this during her performance of ‘who you are’ as one of the girls in the front row looked a little flustered. She asked if she was ok and handed her the water. This shows how down to earth Jessie really is. But she made sure it didn’t affect her epic performance, getting back into the zone to finish of the song. During this song which her album is named after she also flaunted her tattoo on her hip, it said ‘don’t lose who you are in the blur of the stars’ these are the lyrics from the single. She was also not ashamed to say it was spelt wrong, she says it is perfectly imperfect.                                                                                    The Essex girl had great interaction with the crowd, telling them interesting stories from her past. She also started signing different thing people had thrown up on stage, from t-shirts to hats. She also showed how she was down with the fashion trends by putting on certain things from the crowd, such as a pair of geek glasses which she wore as she performed. These props added to her mesmerising outfit which was a revealing sky blue cut out. While her trademark bob, which was purple for the night showed her character.                          Jessie showed her determination as she didn’t take one break throughout the whole show. She performed solid for 90 minutes, you’d never of know she’d only just recovered from a broken foot. She had no costume change which just shows she is all about the singing and not trying to break fashion boundaries. As the fans sipped water Jessie sipped her Vitamin water which she is now the new face of, she was also seen giving her band some to keep them hydrated. Her interaction with her band was also incredible. You could see the chemistry between them all as they fed of each other’s energy.                                    During her performance of her first single ‘Do it like a dude’ she showed her attitude by wear a metallic gold cap. After one person threw another hat on stage she incorporated this into the song, putting it on as well has her own. She danced her way around the stage as it was one of her more up tempo tracks. It had the packed crowd jumping and singing every word.                            Halfway through the show Jessie showed us how she didn’t need backing music or any other interference as she played acoustic for 3 of her songs. It was just her and her guitarist as she belted out ‘Technology’, ‘L.O.V.E’ and a snippet of ‘Up’ which is her brand new track with the amazing James Morrison. During ‘up’ she let her humour shine through as she screwed up her guitarists face and attempted to pick his nose.                                                                            Jessie had promised her fans she would perform brand new tracks during her tour and she done just that. ‘My Shadow’ was a song nobody had heard before so it was nice to hear Jessie and not the whole hall singing with her. Jessie confessed how much the song meant to her in the build up and you could see this in her performance as she was fighting back the tears. The crowd eventually joined in the chorus. It was a memorable moment for all.                                                                                                          Then finally it was time for the last song and what a song to finish on, ‘Domino’. Jessie’s brand new single in America. It is by far the most upbeat song she’s done and the audience showed that too. Singing at the top of their lungs and moving like they’ve never moved before. Jessie carried this epic gig right till the end, she cut a few shapes on the stage, most importantly the robot dance she done towards the end. As the confetti of hearts fell on the singing and dancing audience it left them yearning for more as Jessie exited the stage. It was most definitely an all-round amazing performance by one of Britain’s most exciting new artist. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for this Essex girl.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Images for my front cover (music magazine)

These are the images i took for the front cover of my music magazine. I have chosen the 2 i think look the best and will decide which one will feature on the final production of my cover.

Friday 25 November 2011

screengrabs of my twitter interview!

These are screengrabs of responses i got when i asked questions about the Jessie J gig in liverpool. I will add some of this into my article!

This is a response from the question 'What was the best part of the gig?'

 This is a response from the question 'What did you think of the staging at Mountford Hall?'

This is the answer i got about Jessies interaction with the crowd ans what Jessie was wearing!

This is a response to my question about the atmosphere at the gig!

Thursday 24 November 2011

Interview about jessie j gig!

This is an interview i had (via twitter) with Michaela Price from Liverpool who also attented the gig!

What was the best part of the gig?
‘Domino’ at the end, when all the confetti fell and she was doing the robot dance, also her little dances at the end it. Also when she was singing ‘do it like a dude’ and in her scouse accent she said ‘Liverpool are you ready to f****ing dance?’ My shadow was good because it was so emotional and you could see it meant so much to her. There were so many good parts to it!

What did you think of the staging at Mountford hall?
I thought the staging was quite small to be fair but the way Jessie set it out and how she used the stage was good. The way she had the steps and stuff, the lights reflected good with the steps too because the steps were red and shiny. The way it was all set out was good, it was clear the way she had her drums one side, keyboard and backing singers on the other then her guitarists at the front.

What do you think of the way she interacted with the audience and what she was wearing?
She involved the crowd as much as she could. Her outfit was amazing and very different. She wore a cap for do it like a dude which related to the song! Amazing!

Describe the atmosphere?
It was amazing! Everybody was hyped and chanting ‘Jessie J’ waiting for her to come on! She wowed the crowd as usual.

Saturday 19 November 2011

Friday 18 November 2011

Thursday 17 November 2011

Publication plan!

This is the publication plan i produced so i know what my magazines style will be!

Publication plan

Title; Repeat

Positioning statement; The music that lives in you

Frequency of publication;  Monthly

Price; £2

Distribution;  Supermarket, Newsagents, music shops (HMV)

Rationale; This magazine will be for music lovers, people who are obsessed with British independent music. We will have celebrity interviews each month that we can say are ‘exclusive’ to our magazine. It will be just what the reader’s want as their opinions are stepping stones to the magazines content.

Style;  The magazine will be quite informal, we will not be serious if it’s not needed. We plan to act as friends to the readers. We will give credit where credit is due and we will not be afraid to criticise if we need to. As a magazine we will use simple sentences, we will try to keep things short but affective at the same time. We know that long winded paragraphs are not what the readers want.

Regular content;

-          Editors letter

-          Gig guides

-          Reviews

-          Competitions and puzzles

-          Indie fashion must haves

-          Festivals

-          News

-          Readers’ Questions and answers

-          Artist Q&A

-          Florence Welch monthly column

-          Top 10 songs right now

-          Ones to watch...the next big thing

-          Live sessions

-          Latest twitter, Facebook and MySpace gossip

Feature content;

-          Review of Jessie J gig

-          Interview with Noel Gallagher   

-          The Kooks long awaited new album

-          We ask Indie lovers ‘who is the best artist right now?’

-          Award show...who won what?

-          Which is the best venue to see an artist?

-          Finally discovered....up and coming artists

-          In the studio with Arctic monkeys

-          Backstage at V festival

-          Artists feeling the love

-          Amy Winehouse tribute

-          10 pre gig songs for the iPod

-          On tour with U2

-          Best venues to watch your favourite artists

-          Hottest artists right now

-          ‘Repeat’ music awards

House Style;

Cover lines; Bookman old style (60pt)

Headlines; Verdana

Stand first; Verdana (14pt)  

Caption; Verdana (8pt)

Feature first paragraph; Drop capital (Verdana) 5 lines deep and first 2 words in bold.

New first paragraph; First two words in bold.

Body text; Times new roman (11 pt)
Colour scheme; Blue, Black and White.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Planning production!

This is the planning i done for my music magazine! i will follow this plan in order to produce the magazine!

Front cover

Front cover image;
My front cover will be of a female artist, it will be direct address. The story will be about the artist being signed, which means she is no longer undiscovered talent!

 Cover lines;


ARCTIC MONKEYS in the studio making hits,
NOEL GALLAGHER exclusive interview

THE KOOKS long awaited album

Backstage antics from V FESTIVAL

JESSIE J exclusive gig


Text for contents;


The ‘repeat’ music awards...who won what?

The fans tell us the hottest artist right now

We check out the best venue for all the upcoming gigs

Discovered...up and coming artists of this year

JESSIE J The exclusive review of her Liverpool gig

V FESTIVAL all the action from the biggest outdoor gig

THE KOOKS finally back in the spotlight after 2 years out

NOEL GALLAGHER revealing all about Oasis

We catch up with ARCTIC MONKEYS in the studio

We pay tribute to the amazing AMY WINEHOUSE

10 Pre gig songs for the iPod

U2 take on the world...once again


Reviews of the latest single and albums

Indie fashion must haves

Latest festival updates

Latest gossip in Twitter, facebook and MySpace

We answer the readers’ questions

Artists spill the beans in Q&A

Florence Welch monthly column

Top 10 indie songs

Live Sessions

Quizzes and puzzles

Monthly competition

One to watch...the next big thing

Questions to ask people who went to the gig!

This is the questions i will ask fellow people who went to the same Jessie J gig as myself!

These are the questions i will ask people who went to the Jessie J in liverpool, it will help me with my review!

Interview Questions

Did you travel a long way to see the gig? If so were from?

What did you think of the Mountford hall venue?

Describe the atmosphere at the gig?

What do you think of what Jessie J was wearing?

What was the best part of the gig?

What did you think about Jessie Js interaction with the audience?

What did you think about the staging?

Friday 11 November 2011

Image ideas for double page spread!

These are the ideas of images i will use as part of my double page spread!

One of these images will be part of my double page spread. It will take up one page while the other page will feature the review!

Thursday 10 November 2011

Analysis of professional contents page!

This is a prezi presentation i created to show the analysis of a professional contents page!

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Analysis of double page spread!

This is a video i produced to analysis of a double pag spread in professional music magazines!

Thursday 3 November 2011

My Questionnaire

This is the questionnaire i will ask my target audience to get specific feedback for my music magazine!

Saturday 15 October 2011

Initial plans for my magazine!

This is the first planning ideas for my music magazine!

Price; £2
Frequency of publication; Monthly

Average issue size;

Regular contents;
Gig guides,

Feature articles;
Exclusive interviews with artists,
festival guide,

Friday 14 October 2011

Researching the market place (indie magazines.)

This is a presentation to show all of the recognised indie magazines out now, it inculdes all the important details and also media packs for each of the magazines!

Thursday 13 October 2011

Genre change!

I decided to change the genre of my magazine because i had no decent images that would be suitable for the double page spread. All the pictures i had were not large enough for a whole A4 page. This means that i changed my magazine to an Indie magazine.

Initial ideas for Music magazine!

I will be producing a pop music magazine, the target audience of this magazine will be for ages 13-17. It will also be aimed at girls as they are the gender that would read a 'pop music' magazine.

Analysis of front cover and contents!

This is the analysis of my school magazines front cover and contents page!

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Evaluation of my school magazine!

This is a presentation for the evaluation of my school magazine! it states the good and bad things of the production!

Saturday 8 October 2011

Images for my school magazine!

These are the images i took for my school magazine, one will be used for the front cover while the others will be used for the contents page!

This is my main image on my cover!

these are the images i will use in my school magazine. i will use one on the front cover and the rest in the contents page!

Contents page and front cover plan!

These are the sketches i produced for my school magazine front cover and contents page!

This is the sketch i priduced while planning for the front cover of my school magazine!

This is the drawing i created when i was planning for my contents page!

Friday 7 October 2011

Plans for contents page!

these are the plans for my school magazine contents page!

These are ideas for my school magazine contents page, i will use these to help me with the production!

End of year trips,
End of year talent shows,
Year 8 saves the day,
Pupils art goes in to museum,
New school dinners,
Berlin trip,
Sports day,
New uniform,
Under 18s football.

Dates for the diary - school holidays,
opening evenings,
contact details,
Up and coming events. eg, awards.

Exam success,
Sports success.

Plans for front cover!

this is the plans for my school magazine front cover!

This is a plan for my school magazine, i will use this to help me produce it!

Name; Pupil
Details of mise-en-scene; Medium close up, school pupil reaches live shows of The X-Factor, doing 'X' with her arms, background; In music recording studio.

Under 18s girls reache finals of merseyside cup,
New school uniform,
Great exam results,
Charity: Raised money for Unicef,
New year 7s coming to the school.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Snap happy (camera angles)

For this exercise we had to go around school taking pictures. We had to make sure we were taking them in the correct way, as we were assigned what angle to take them in. I feel like me and my partner did a good job of this, take a look for yourselves.

A close up of someone in nature!

A big close up of someone using a mobile phone!

An extreme close up of the time!

A long shot!

A two shot in medium long shot!
(this picture isnt perfect, we done a 2 shot in medium close instead. we know the difference now)

An over the shoulder shot of someone writing!

A very long shot conveying isolation!

A medium close up!

A high angle long shot!

A low angle medium close up

A photograph which has connotations of friendship!

A photograph which has connotations of stress!

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Friday 23 September 2011

My first blog!!

This is my first blog...of many! These blogs will be for my media AS level coursework for a music magazine. I will keep it updated whenever i do work, which will count towards my a-level.